
Friday Fare: 2/26/21

This article attracted my notice because it featured David Lynch, so … no brainer. But what lured me in was that Lynch was keeping farmer’s hours during the pandemic.

Well, my reading list just grew exponentially with this post from Ingram and their recommendations for “rural noir.”


Watching: I’m almost caught up with Netflix’s “The Crown.” But over the past few episodes, I’ve been focusing less on the content and more that Olivia Colman’s jawline and overall *lewk* really, really, really reminds me of my late maternal grandma Boots.  It’s comforting and disconcerting.

Reading: I’m really focusing on reading comps (comparative) books for my upcoming agent querying odyssey. I’m revisiting one of Mindy Mejia’s books “Everything You Want Me to Be” and damn … so good.

Writing: Good things abound. Dragonfly/Irreversible is under 90,000 words and I’m getting ready to start sending out my queries.  I just need to write a synopsis.  Gross.

The weather is getting warmer here in Minnesota! Stay healthy, get active, wash your hands, and mask up!

– Shelley


What is Friday Fare? As a recap, on Fridays I post link love to the various bits of arcane shiz I discover on the Interwebs.  I liken it to a glimpse into my mind, but without the 80s song lyrics or mental cobwebs.


Friday Fare: 2/12/21

Do I get some sort of prize for blogging three weeks in a row? What, no? Sigh.

I don’t have that much to say, but I’ve read a few good things lately that need to be shared. This piece about Shelley Duvall in particular. I know she is Wendy Torrance from Kubrick’s “The Shining” for so many people, but she’ll always be Olive Oyl from Robert Altman’s “Popeye” to me.

Forgive me if I’ve shared this before, but this is still my favorite soup recipe. I’m one of those people who will eat soup whenever, but since the temperatures have been below zero here in Minnesota, comfort food like this is a must right now.


Minutia/Writing/Etc.: I don’t think that I’m the only creative type who has had one hell of a time putting pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, etc., during the past year. March will mark a full year that my family have been together with our new work-from-home/distance learning lives and ohmigosh – I am one of the luckiest people that I know and it was our choice to distance learn with our children, but wow – all this togetherness! What we saved this summer in daycare, I am certain will go towards future therapy bills for our shiznits. There are several days (weeks?) that creativity is the last plate that I juggle in my household.

Courtesy of Giphy

While my mind probably resembles a dried out husk, the children run amok, and while the piles on my kitchen counter are truly epic, I’ve been trying to foster my creativity in a passive way.  If I see a webinar that looks interesting and is a “reasonable” cost (free-$35), I’ve attended it. These past couple of weeks, I’ve attended a webinar on publishing hosted by the Off Campus Writers’ Workshop that featured an acquiring editor I admire and an agent who is on my list to query. I also attended a thriller-writing workshop hosted by Simon Fraser University in Vancouver. Jane Friedman has also had some amazing workshops recently and there are authors I admire who have been giving master classes on character development, editing tips, etc.

The pandemic has been a CF and it’s been frustrating to try and get deep work done whether it’s creatively or in my day job (which is the one that pays the mortgage, so that one gets top billing). But attending webinars is my attempt to turn lemons into lemon drops.

However, *whispers* I’m going to get some writing/editing/alone time in this weekend. My fingers are crossed for all sorts of productivity! Or if I’m not productive, some time hanging out in my underwear drinking cheap beer with olives at the bottom of the glass.

Sorry for that image, folks, but it is what it is. Happy Friday!

– Shelley


What is Friday Fare? As a recap, on Fridays I post link love to the various bits of arcane shiz I discover on the Interwebs.  I liken it to a glimpse into my mind, but without the 80s song lyrics or mental cobwebs.


Friday Fare: 2/5/21

The Rochester Public Library Foundation had a successful Wit, Wisdom & Wine in a virtual format. Here’s one of my favorite pictures that came out of the weekend. (Because … well, I didn’t take too many pictures of me rocking business clothes up top and yoga pants on the bottom.)

What I love about this photo is William Kent Krueger’s smiling face (obvs), but the four images up top – that’s me, Brenda, Grace, and Catherine. I felt like these ladies were my sisters after we spent countless hours together moderating this virtual event. And our text strings back and forth were fairly epic.


Reading: I’ve been reading, of course, but this is the article that nearly made me nose my coffee when my husband sent it to me.

Also, evenings are for snuggles and books. I like to read productivity books while my oldest child goes for the kid lit.

Writing: I have a blog post percolating in my head that’s based on an email that I wrote to an aspiring writer the other day. Stay tuned. 🙂

– Shelley


What is Friday Fare? As a recap, on Fridays I post link love to the various bits of arcane shiz I discover on the Interwebs.  I liken it to a glimpse into my mind, but without the 80s song lyrics or mental cobwebs.