
Friday Fare: 6/10/22

I’m drafting this from a hotel room and as I was updating this post, I came across the note I wrote about the Garth Brooks concert and how it was in my top list of concert experiences. Time will tell if the concert I am in Chicago for makes the cut of my top list, but since it’s the lead singer of Led Zeppelin and one of the most exciting music prodigies of my era – I think it will be good.

Incidentally, the person I am with is the reason for a concert in my top 3 list. In 2010, my friend Anderson brought me to the Lady Gaga concert in the Twin Cities. This was right as she was coming onto the scene, before the Oscar-winning movies, etc., and I had no expectations. But it was a visual and audio spectacle of amazingness. And yes – in my top 3 concerts. (Also anecdotally, I met my friend while we were both working at Valley Fair some 20+ years ago. She is my long-term and long-standing concert date.)

Am Reading:

First and foremost – I am ridiculously proud of my friend Kathleen Donnelly who released her debut novel Chasing Justice.


Yes, I love Colorado and I love the mountains, etc., but the most fun was reveling in my friend’s success and getting to crash all of the cool events that she held during her book launch. I have also unofficially adopted her dad, Dennis, who has already sent me cake recipes.

Still reading Murder at Teal’s Pond. (Which is currently overdue at my local library … ooops!)

My travel read was The Girls’ Guide to Hunting and Fishing by Melissa Bank. Enjoyable and perfect for travel.


Someone else leapt on my great idea to watch BBC’s Sherlock, so that’s on hold for the time being. However, my husband has started watching the new Star Trek: Strange New Worlds. Our new Friday night routine is to watch the latest episode of that and the new Obi-Wan Kenobi episode. Why yes, we are unabashed nerds.

And because Anson Mount (plays Captain Pike on Star Trek) is so dreamy, I’ve decided to watch AMC’s Hell on Wheels. Good stuff.

Am Writing:

I’ve gone on two trips recently and as I am wont to do, I bring along a print out of what I’m working on. On my Colorado trip – no dice. I had better luck on my Chicago trip, but I will say that my plan to write on the train was a pretty dumb one. You live and you learn!

– Shelley


What is Friday Fare? As a recap, on Fridays I post link love to the various bits of arcane shiz I discover on the Interwebs.  I liken it to a glimpse into my mind, but without the 80s song lyrics or mental cobwebs.