
First Friday | January 2024

Some people choose words for their New Year – a manifestation, of course, of what they hope the new year will bring them: Abundance, Grace, Hope, More, Yes, No, Carbs … OK, that last one is a lie. Although it *is* a good word.

But any-who … I chose a word last year. That word was “care.” I was going to take more CARE as I schlepped around 2023. I was going to take better care of myself. I didn’t have grand plans of losing a shit ton of weight or anything pragmatic like that, but guess what? I FAILED at the CARE and feeding of that word and intention in my life. I could blame my mom dying, but … yeah. I really sucked at doing anything more than the bare minimum and putting one foot in front of the other. Seismic events will do that, I guess.

So, no words this year. Bless anyone who has done any of that kind of work and I genuinely mean that. (I may have bought crystals from a local witchcraft shop towards the tail end of December … I love woo. I love it.)  I thought about giving up flour and sugar for a hot second and actually SUCCEEDED for three days, but then I bought a box of wine and fell so hastily off of that bandwagon, I think I injured my liver further and gave my pre-2024 “better” self some whiplash.

So … new year, same me. New year, same me—but one who’s trying to remember why I love wandering in the woods so much. (And with such a mild winter, I’ve had a couple opportunities already to discover new-to-me trails.) Same me—but I’m trying to drink less and make 5 AM wake-ups a thing so I can get some words in before I head to my day job. (And shocker! I find that I can actually get my ass out of bed if I’m well rested.) Same me. And I’ve always rather liked me, so I’m OK with another year of existence and another year of doing the best I can with what I have to work with.

And with that … time for our first Friday of 2024!

Reading: According to Goodreads, I whiffed my 2023 goal to read 35 books. Silly Goodreads! I don’t track EVERYTHING that I read, especially if I’m judging something for a competition. I read around 40 books last year and I read over 175 short stories through my work with Shotgun Honey’s Gauntlet.

I’ve stuck with 35 books again for 2024. So far I’m doing FANTASTICALLY. I have two books that I’m reading right now—one is YOU DON’T BELONG HERE by Elizabeth Becker. This is a non-fiction about some of the trailblazing women journalists who captured images from the Vietnam War. Threads had an amazing string about Catherine Leroy and I needed to know more about her.

I finished reading Douglas Preston’s THE LOST TOMB. My love affair with Preston goes back to his co-authoring with Lincoln Child and their Pendergast series.  This book is a non-fiction and a reprint of some of his most iconic articles printed in places like The Atlantic, The New Yorker, etc. There were a couple that really stuck with me, but this is one that’s good to get from your local library versus buying from your favorite indie bookstore. (All apologies to Mr. Preston.)

Finally, there’s a lot of buzz around I HAVE SOME QUESTIONS FOR YOU by Rebecca Makkai. And I get it. Totally. I’m only a couple chapters in and I can tell that I’m going to be envious of this writer’s talent.

Listening: I had a hankering for some 80s Country music the other day. Spotify did not disappoint.

I’ve also been listening to some Sheryl Crow and I’m wondering why she doesn’t do more, because gosh her voice is lovely.

Writing Life: Hey, did I mention that I’m getting up at 5 AM and trying to get some words in before I go to work in the morning? Oh, I did? Oh, does it feel like I’m bragging?

Well, to be honest – as I’m writing this, I am drag ass tired, but I’m grateful for the progress that I’m making on my WIP. Also, my eldest gets up at 6 to start getting ready for school; my husband’s alarm goes off at 6:15 for him to go to work … these early hours are really the only time that I’m by myself. It’s me, the cats, some camping lanterns I got as part of Target’s holiday clearance, and stringing together words. It is its own form of magic.

And 2023 wasn’t a total wash—I got a short story polished enough for submission to a much admired magazine. Fingers crossed that my story about family secrets and murder finds a happy ‘lil home.

Onward and upward, friends.
– Shelley


What is First Friday? This started originally as “Friday Fare” where I posted a hodgepodge of links and some of the things that were living rent-free in my noggin. This is a monthly version of that.

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