Friday Fare, Internet Articles, Random, Uncategorized

Friday Fare: 12/16/16

Friday Fare is where I post links to the random articles that have resonated with me during the week.

I don’t have a bucket list, but if I did, this would be on it.

Adult SpaghettiOs.  This is something I can get behind.

2016 was the year we lost a lot of things and a lot of people.  This was a beautifully written piece that interviewed some of Prince’s closest friends.


Listening to: Patti Smith’s performance in accepting Bob Dylan’s Nobel Peace Prize was evocative and her honesty was heart wrenching.  And when she had to ask to start over the second verse?  A beautiful moment of humanity.

Reading:  Finished “Death Along the Spirit Road” by C.M. Wendelboe.  I’m looking forward to reading his other two books.  Also downloaded “Rosemary: The Hidden Kennedy Daughter” by Kate Clifford Larson.  And while I was eagerly ready to read some non-fiction, the formatting is screwed up in the Kindle version.  CURSES!  So … will have to go to the library to get my Kennedy fix.

Fiction Update:  Good things are happening. 🙂

Happy weekend!

Friday Fare, Internet Articles, Random, Uncategorized

Friday Fare: 12/09/16

Friday Fare is where I post links to the random articles that have resonated with me during the week.

It’s been awhile since I’ve shared this space with you all. Interesting articles abound out there on the Interwebs, here are some of the good things I’ve read recently …

This is what I wrote on Facebook about the following blog post: “I love Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library. I love Dolly Parton in ‘Steel Magnolias.’ The song ‘Hard Candy Christmas’ damn near brings me to tears, so I can’t listen to it in public, but man … I’m grateful for Dolly Parton. Her talent is matched by her generosity. This is a nice ‘open letter’ to Ms. Parton.”

My husband and I recently realized that we need to take Queen’s live version of “Bohemian Rhapsody” off of our road trip mix CD that we have in my mom-mobile.  (Eldest is repeating everything right now.  Including a couple of choice “mommy words.”  So we really don’t want him running around quoting Freddie Mercury’s lyrics, mmm-kay?)  But did you ever wonder what it would look like if “Bohemian Rhapsody” was acted out literally?  I didn’t either, but it’s brilliant.

This “guide” to the 2016 Williams-Sonoma catalog made me laugh.  Then plot my order for personalized peppermint bark.

And although I have way too much crap going on, I think I need to make these for Christmas Eve and present them to my uncles.  Because maple and bourbon.


Listening to: “Who the f*ck is Sturgill Simpson?” There are any number things that I loved about this piece in the New York Times talking about Simpson’s surprise nomination for “A Sailor’s Guide to Earth”; but the biggest thing is the man’s attitude and humility. I also love the fact that he adored Beyonce’s “Lemonade.”  Seriously … how cool is that?

Reading:  Still reading “Death Along the Spirit Road” by C.M. Wendelboe.  And while that’s pending, I’ve been doing some volunteer work getting this anthology ready for Kindle / eBooks.  There are some damn good short stories in this book.  Can’t wait for it to be available in e-format.

Fiction Update:  Eh … I’ve been over-committing myself lately to other projects and distractions.  HOWEVER, I’m on track to have a first draft of “Dragonfly” done by end of year.  I’ve also been drafting a blog post that outlines some of the lessons learned from this year’s NaNoWriMo.  Good things are happening.

Happy weekend!