
Friday Fare: 10/22/21

Wow … my last Friday Fare was so full of hope and … light.  And then Mercury went into retrograde.

A co-worker died, my mom got really sick (ICU sick), my eldest kid got quarantined after a COVID exposure, work is crazy, a couple of committees I am on are ramping up, I don’t know if I remember how to write, and … and … and … I am a resilient individual, but the past few weeks have been freaking nuts.

BUT … mom is on the mend. (Rehabilitation in a skilled nursing facility in my hometown. Or as I told my brother, it’s your turn to keep mom alive.) She timed the worst of her medical emergency during a week where I didn’t have a bid due. My husband is an adept human being who took care of crisis-mode me, our sons, and my parents’ dog. I have wonderful friends. We’re healthy and doing OK. I am taking the day to unbury from the piles of stuff that have been neglected during this time and one of them is my blog. 🙂

Jessica Laine and I are a formidable team. Our September event for Once Upon a Crime bookstore in Minneapolis went fantastically and we have two more events scheduled this year with them! Both are virtual and I think I’ve figured out my technical issues from our previous event. You don’t need to wear pants to attend and I might not comb my hair, so …  what are you waiting for? Event information is on my events page.

I’m hoping that my next blog post is more things random and not so much wreckage. As I noted, I don’t know if I remember how to write. Actually, I do, but it’s more about finding time to write. I’ll have an update of all things writerly the next time I blog.

In the meantime … if you celebrate Halloween, I hope you’ve found your perfect costume. I hope that you’ve had time to curl up with a good book. Trust science, get a Covid booster if you’re able, don’t take medications that are meant for large animals, and hug the people you love.

– Shelley


What is Friday Fare? As a recap, on Fridays I post link love to the various bits of arcane shiz I discover on the Interwebs.  I liken it to a glimpse into my mind, but without the 80s song lyrics or mental cobwebs.